Why Leaders Should Speak Last

Why Leaders Should Speak Last (in Meetings)
As a leader, the way you engage in meetings can greatly influence the tone, dynamics, and outcome of the discussions. One often overlooked approach is speaking last in meetings. Here’s why this strategy can enhance your leadership impact:
Fosters Open Dialogue
When a leader speaks first, their words can unintentionally set the agenda or sway the conversation in a specific direction. By allowing others to share their thoughts and opinions first, team members feel more empowered to express their ideas freely, without fear of being overshadowed or influenced by leadership. This promotes a culture of open dialogue and creativity. -
Gathers Diverse Perspectives
Leaders who speak last ensure they gather the full range of input from their team. This allows for a more well-rounded understanding of the issue at hand. You can then make more informed decisions by considering all viewpoints, rather than just reaffirming your own perspective. -
Shows Respect for Others’ Contributions
Speaking last demonstrates that you value the contributions of your team. It shows that you are genuinely interested in their insights and trust their judgment. This builds respect and encourages team members to take ownership of their roles and responsibilities. -
Improves Decision-Making
When leaders speak first, there’s a risk of unintentionally discouraging alternative viewpoints, leading to groupthink. Speaking last, however, helps prevent this by encouraging a richer, more balanced discussion. It also gives you the benefit of time to assess the conversation, leading to better decisions. -
Enhances Leadership Presence
There’s a quiet confidence in a leader who listens intently before speaking. It conveys patience, wisdom, and the ability to prioritize the team’s input over personal opinion. This approach builds trust and strengthens your leadership presence.
Speaking last is a powerful technique that allows leaders to listen, learn, and lead more effectively. It encourages better dialogue, promotes a more inclusive culture, and ultimately leads to smarter, more collaborative decision-making.
Ryan Giles
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