"No Meeting Mondays"

When we first meet a new team, it's common to find that their meetings aren't running effectively (if they're having meetings at all). But with a bit of training, teams quickly start holding meetings that improve communication, enhance accountability, build team health, and—most importantly—get things done.
However, in their eagerness to improve, some teams go overboard and begin scheduling too many meetings. Eventually, their issue shifts from “not enough meetings” to “too many meetings.”
If this sounds familiar, it’s time to get back to the basics. Ensure that every meeting has a clear purpose. Don’t start a meeting without a defined stop time and a written agenda.
Also, consider designating one day per week as a "no meetings" day—whether for internal or external meetings. For many teams, this turns into a “No Meeting Monday.” Since Mondays are often the busiest day of the week, it makes sense to block this time for focused work. Conversely, with Fridays being one of the slower days, they’re ideal for holding internal and external meetings.
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