Take Out Your Head Trash

beliefs head trash personal development

We all have that inner voice—sometimes it's encouraging, sometimes it's doubtful, and other times, it quietly installs limits on what we think is possible. These invisible barriers, often built from misconceptions, old fears, or even innocent misunderstandings, can hold us back far more than reality ever could.

One of my favorite stories...

I once heard a story about a new business coach who had big dreams of becoming a motivational speaker. She admired one particular speaker and eagerly attended one of his training events, where she scribbled down notes, absorbing every word like a sponge.

During the session, she heard him say that a great speaker could close 80% of their audience—meaning that 80% of the people listening would buy into their idea, product, or service. Inspired, she wrote it down, went home, and got to work.

She studied her craft relentlessly. She practiced, refined her presentations, and held seminar after seminar. Over time, she got better—much better. As her skills sharpened, her close rates climbed. She eventually reached 75%, an incredible achievement by any standard.

But then, she hit a plateau. No matter how hard she tried, no matter what strategies she implemented, she just couldn’t break past that 75% mark. Frustrated, she decided to go back to her original mentor for advice.

When she explained her struggle, expecting to hear some high-level wisdom, her mentor was stunned.

He had never said that 80% was possible. He had actually said 18%!

The Power of Our Own Perceived Limits

For years, she had been pushing toward what she thought was possible—not what was actually possible. The ceiling in her mind was set much higher than what most people would consider realistic, and because of that, she had accomplished something extraordinary.

Had she known the real number from the start, would she have settled for less? Would she have given up at 18% or been content with 20%?

The truth is, we often operate within the limits of what we think is possible. If we believe something is out of reach, we don’t push as hard. If we believe it’s achievable, we chase it with everything we have.

What This Means for You

We all have “head trash” that tells us what’s realistic, what’s too hard, or what’s not possible for someone like us. But how much of that is actually true?

  • What if the limits you’ve set for yourself—whether in business, leadership, relationships, or personal growth—are completely made up?
  • What if you’re already capable of more than you’re giving yourself credit for?
  • What if the only reason you haven’t reached your next level is because you don’t believe you can?

Challenge Your Limits

The next time you find yourself thinking, “I can’t do that” or “That’s just not possible for me,” stop and ask yourself: Is that true? Or is that just a belief I’ve picked up somewhere along the way?

Because if this business coach’s story teaches us anything, it’s that we are capable of much more than we think—we just have to believe bigger.

Ryan Giles

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