From Sloppy Meetings To Effective Meetings

effective meetings leadership management procrastination
four business leaders having a meeting


Phase 1: The Sloppy Approach

Many years ago, when I was an undisciplined business owner, my business partners and I would hold meetings that usually revolved around whatever hot topics were most pressing at the time. We often neglected less urgent but still important issues—until they inevitably became urgent. Our discussions were engaging, but we rarely reached concrete solutions. On the rare occasion that we did make a decision, I would leave with an action item (to-do) to implement the solution. However, since we lacked a consistent meeting rhythm, weeks or even months could pass before we revisited those tasks. More often than not, I found myself scrambling the day before a follow-up meeting to complete tasks that had been assigned weeks earlier. While I technically got things done, the delay often reduced their impact and effectiveness.

Phase 2: Establishing Structure

Years later, we introduced a structured, weekly tactical meeting with our leadership team. In this meeting, we addressed issues (and had a place to record them throughout the week) and measure progress towards our big goals. However, old habits die hard. I still procrastinated, often waiting until the day before a meeting to complete my to-dos. The difference? Now, at least, tasks were being completed on a weekly basis rather than sporadically.

Phase 3: Mastering Execution

With time and experience, we refined our approach. As our meetings became more efficient, so did I. Instead of waiting until the last minute, I left meetings energized and immediately tackled my action items. Completing tasks right away not only eliminated the stress of procrastination but also kept momentum high and execution swift.

The Power of a Strong Meeting Rhythm

Implementing an effective weekly meeting cadence can transform your team's productivity. It helps combat procrastination, enhances accountability, strengthens team cohesion, and significantly accelerates execution. If you want to 10X your discipline and results, start by establishing a structured and consistent meeting rhythm—you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes!

Need help?  That's why we're here.

Ryan Giles


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