Why We Hate "Them"

"Hate" is a strong word...but it fits the bill here. This is one of our biggest pet peeves.
Recently, I asked a leadership team member about their company's goals for the upcoming year. His response? "They need to add a new product line and grow revenue by 15%."
When someone refers to their own team as "they" or "them," it's a red flag. And when a leader does it, it's even more concerning.
Why? Because words matter. Best case, the person is unaware that they're distancing themselves from the team. Worst case, they don't truly see themselves as part of it—meaning they might already have one foot out the door.
If you catch this happening in your organization, don't ignore it. Take a moment to stop and have a conversation. Make sure everyone understands that being part of a team means saying "we," not "they."
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